I am giving you all a heads up that DEC Commissioner Martens will hold a press conference about the draft SGEIS at 11 a.m. at the New York Network Studio in Albany's Empire State Plaza.
When I and other activists met with him on 3/23/11, he said he wanted to provide equal protection for all New Yorkers, not just New York City's watershed. That policy obviously didn't make it into the final draft SGEIS.
Get to the news conference if you possibly can. Activists will be gathering to tell the Governor what they think of his unfair, inadequate plan that treats hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers as second class citizens and imperils our environment.
We are underway. Thanks for all your calls and emails to the Governor. CC me. More shortly. Thanks.
See clips below.
Call Governor Cuomo ASAP at 518-474-8390.
Email the Governor at
A. Demand Equal Environmental Protection for All New Yorkers From Marcellus Shale Horizontal Hydrofracturing.
B. If Marcellus Shale Hydrofracturing cannot be done safely in New York City and Syracuse watersheds, state lands and over primary aquifers, it obviously cannot be done safely anywhere in New York.
C. Send the draft SGEIS back to the drawing board for yet another do-over.