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Intense Media Coverage/Presentation in Ithaca Wednesday 3/9


What a whirlwind the last week has been. I want to thank everyone who contacted me about Ian Urbina's epic gas drilling wastewater series in The NYT. I have been deluged with requests for information, offers of assistance, all manner of suggestions and many gracious expressions of gratitude.

You can read the three front-page stories and check out the accompanying graphics/document applications at:

I posted a compilation of key documents at:

You can hear me discussing those documents on Democracy Now at:

You can hear a podcast about the documents at:

As you can imagine, we now have a tremendous amount of momentum behind our efforts. The question is how we take full advantage of that political driving force because it will not last long.

I will be making a presentation about what I believe all this means for implementing Executive Order No. 41. I also will be sharing data on natural gas drilling wastewater sent to municipal treatment plants in Cayuga Heights, Auburn and Canandaigua. If you have questions or would like to help, please attend.

Where: Women's Community Building, 100 West Seneca Street, Ithaca, NY

When: 6 PM Wednesday, March 9th

An excruciatingly detailed letter I sent to Governor Cuomo regarding the documents and reiterating my request to expand the scope of the draft SGEIS is posted at:

The Governor Cuomo Coalition letter now has nearly 3,700 signatories. Keep pushing. Beat the bushes!!!

New York City Residents, please contact Mayor Michael Bloomberg. See below.
Hope to see you Wednesday.



Call and email Governor Andrew Cuomo, EPA Regional Administrator Judith Enck, DEC Commissioner Nominee Joseph Martens and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Ask them to support:

Expanding the scope of the draft SGEIS to include additional concerns, notably how to manage gas drilling wastewater;

Establishing Citizens and Technical Advisory Committees to help DEC revise the draft SGEIS;

Providing at least 30 days public comment to identify additional issues to be included in the draft SGEIS scope;

Requiring individual EIS reviews for horizontal hydrofracturing permits, "GA effluent limitations" for hydrofracturing, deep well injection and wastewater treatment as well as updating DEC's 1992 GEIS.

Please bcc:

Governor Andrew Cuomo
518-474-8390 (o)

Judith Enck
212-637-5000 (o)

DEC Commissioner Nominee Joseph Martens
518-402-8545 (o)

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
PHONE 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC)
FAX (212) 312-0700