Take Immediate Action - Take Immediate Action
I am pleased to provide for your use a Generic Concerned Citizen version of my letter to Commissioner Martens requesting that DEC address additional concerns as part of its revision of the draft SGEIS.
This version removes my personal references. You can embellish it as you see fit. You can use all or part of the letter or the data that are referenced.
See: http://www.toxicstargeting.com/MarcellusShale/documents/letters/2011/06/...
Please email the Commissioner ASAP and hopefully no later than Monday 6/20/11 at: joemartens@gw.dec.state.ny.us. Please cc walter@toxicstargeting.com.
My final letter is posted at: http://www.toxicstargeting.com/MarcellusShale/documents/letters/2011/06/...
If you write your own missive, please make sure to say: "I write to request that DEC address the following concerns as part of its revision of the draft SGEIS." Identify every issue you can think of that warrants inclusion in DEC's revision of the draft SGEIS.
I also provide a letter I wrote to EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. I requested that EPA update its withering 2009 draft SGEIS comments and provide pertinent data compiled for its National Hydrofracturing Study. See: http://www.toxicstargeting.com/node/6729
Dozens of written comments have been sent to the Commissioner. Some of them are extremely technical and thoughtful. They should all help. I will try to post some examples for inspirational and guidance purposes.
Keep deluging DEC with in-depth, excruciatingly detailed, substantive comments.
Send DEC every shred of new technical, scientific, regulatory and legal information you can find regarding horizontal hydrofracturing of Marcellus Shale.
Thanks, again, for all your assistance.
Best regards,