I trust that you have been well since I last communicated with you. I write to give you a heads up that Ian Urbina's latest article in his Drilling Down series, Rush to Drill for Gas Creates Mortgage Conflicts, ran on the front page of today's The New York Times. Thank you, Ian, for more stellar coverage on shale gas concerns.
I encourage you to review extensive information posted on the accompanying document reader. See:
Toxics Targeting obtained and made available some of those documents with the help of known and unknown friends. I especially want to thank the person who anonymously passed along the original Tompkins Trust mortgage white paper and PowerPoint presentation. Without those key documents, this entire issue might still be a secret. Thank you, Susan Arbetter of The Capitol Pressroom for breaking that story last May. I also want to thank Stephanie Low for passing along the series of Lori Rudalavage emails. Finally, thanks to Catherine Hughes of Manhattan Community Board One for providing the Tioga State Bank presentation.
The gas lease mortgage lending issue is a critical component of the Marcellus Shale debate. Even though it goes to the heart of real property valuation and marketability for a huge portion of upstate New York, it was deliberately ignored by the Revised Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement. That is an essential reason why the Revised Draft SGEIS must be withdrawn.
I will be in touch shortly. Hold on to your hats.
Best regards,