If you would like to contribute financial support to continue this campaign effort, please call 800 2 TOXICS (800 286 9427). Thank you for your consideration.
It is hard to believe, but we keep creeping closer and closer to yet another year without Marcellus Shale Fracking in New York.
I implore you to stay focused on maintaining our state's shale fracking moratorium by preventing completion of Governor Cuomo's Department of Health "review" conducted in secret without any public participation. Take nothing for granted or we could get crushed in the blink of an eye.
As long as the DOH "review" is NOT COMPLETED, no Final SGEIS can be adopted and New York's nearly six-year-long shale fracking moratorium continues in full-force. That is the reason why not even one shale gas production well has ever been fracked in New York.
Circle Your Calendars: Election Day November 4, 2014
With Governor Cuomo and every member of the State Legislature up for reelection on November 4, 2014, the fracking stakes are higher than ever. This fight could still go either way.
As you know, the Governor recently rescinded his long-standing position that he would decide whether or not to permit shale fracking by election day. The closer we get to November 4th, the greater the likelihood that Governor Cuomo will delay his shale fracking decision until after that red letter day.
With that critical goal in mind, we must keep cranking up the heat. Push harder than ever. DO NOT STOP UNTIL YOU DROP.
Come One, Come All to the State of the State Rally on January 8th in Albany
Above all, we need maximum turn-out on January 8th for another stupendous State of the State Rally in Albany. This critical event has gotten bigger and better each year. Last January, more than 1,500 fractivists dwarfed the pro-frackers right in front of all the Albany heavy hitters. We dominated the press coverage. We must do our best to exceed that historic crowd.
If you do nothing else in 2014, come to State of the State. It is imperative that we provide a huge show of force and scare the bejesus out of you-know-who. He must envision hundreds of fractivists storming every local campaign event and ruining his big day. Bring every sign you have got and cajole every Tom, Dick and Harriet you can find to attend.
Need a ride? Check out where buses are available thanks to Food and Water Watch and other sponsoring groups:
Keep Fighting to Put DOH "review" On-Hold and Require a Comprehensive Public Health Impact Study to Be Undertaken
Due to our super-focused advocacy work, the DOH "review" is the linchpin to Governor Cuomo's decision to permit shale fracking in New York. We must do everything feasible to make sure that his secret "review" cannot be completed without any public participation.
Do not take comfort in the Governor's statements that there is no timetable for completing the DOH "review." That would change the instant he decides to go forward. It could be any day.
Do not believe his promise that the "review" will be based on "good science." That pledge sounds nice, but it cannot be enforced. That is obviously why he picked it.
Do not believe anyone who tells you that Governor Cuomo is "taking his time to make a good decision" or has kicked the fracking can down the road past election day. Health Commissioner, Dr. Nirav R. Shah, is reportedly working hard to complete his "review" without any public participation. We must assume that Governor Cuomo still wants to permit shale fracking despite withering criticism of the SGEIS proceeding. That has been his position since he ran for election in 2010.
Call and email Governor Cuomo to request that he:
1) put on-hold Dr. Shah's shale fracking "review" because it lacks public participation and
2) undertake a comprehensive "Public Health Impact Study" openly and transparently with formal public participation to resolve shale fracking hazard concerns once and for all.
Emphasize that you are a registered voter (if true) who is extremely concerned about Marcellus Shale fracking hazards.
Express outrage that Governor Cuomo proposes to base New York's most important environmental decision on a secret DOH "review" that lacks any public participation regarding how the "review" should be undertaken.
Underscore that preventing shale fracking public health hazards is a top priority for you and that you will "remember in November" when it comes time to cast your ballot.
Email Governor Cuomo: http://www.governor.ny.gov/contact/GovernorContactForm.php
Call the Governor:
Albany: 518-474-8390
New York City: 212-681-4580
Binghamton: 607-721-8367
Tweet the Governor: @NYGovCuomo
Facebook him: https://www.facebook.com/GovernorAndrewCuomo?sk=wall
Send Governor Cuomo a letter which requests that the DOH "review" be put on-hold:
Sign a coalition letter to Shale Fracking Panel Members to make sure that they cannot shill for the Governor by taking crumbs:
Join more than 22,000 signatories to the Withdraw the Revised Draft Coalition letter:
Our campaign has achieved incredible results over more than four grueling years because we successfully integrate: a) innovative research that repeatedly documents New York's gas and oil regulatory failures; b) sophisticated policy advocacy that frames public discourse; c) effective grassroots organizing and coalition building; and d) unmatched media coverage that generates intense political driving force.
We have worked very hard and been exceedingly fortunate. This coming year will test our resolve in every way. With luck, we will continue to reach our goals.
Finally, do not thank the Governor for anything until we get what we have respectfully requested.
Keep slugging. Onward and upward. Big Finish!!!
Very best regards,
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/ttmarcellus
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tt.marcellusshaleIf you would like to contribute financial support to continue this campaign effort, please call 800 2 TOXICS (800 286 9427). Thank you for your consideration.