"It ain't over till it's over." - Yogi Berra
"Trust, but verify." - Ronald Reagan
Sign a super important NEW coalition letter: http://toxicstargeting.com/MarcellusShale/letters/2015/5/15/coalition-letter-cuomo-final-sgeis-findings-statement-requests
After nearly seven years, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) released its Final Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS) on 5-13-15.
It states that DEC "would use the 1992 GEIS (Generic Environmental Impact Statement) and the Final SGEIS in reviewing applications to conduct high-volume hydraulic fracturing shale fracking operations in New York State if high-volume hydraulic fracturing were authorized (emphasis added)."
I write today to request that you sign a NEW coalition letter to make sure that shale fracking is never authorized in our state: http://toxicstargeting.com/MarcellusShale/letters/2015/5/15/coalition-letter-cuomo-final-sgeis-findings-statement-requests
What is Next?
In no sooner than nine days, DEC reportedly plans to issue a "Findings Statement" and render a final decision in this matter. That would end the SGEIS proceeding begun in 2008.
The Final SGEIS contains three action alternatives:
1) "The denial of permits to develop the Marcellus Shale and other low-permeability gas reservoirs by horizontal drilling and high-volume hydraulic fracturing (No - action alternative);"
2) "The use of a phased-permitting approach to developing the Marcellus Shale and other low-permeability gas reservoirs, including consideration of limiting and/or restricting
resource development in designated areas; and"
3) "The required use of 'green' or non-chemical fracturing technologies and additives."
The Findings Statement would not necessarily be limited to these three action alternatives and could include almost anything.
The Findings Statement could be strong, weak or something in-between even though the Cuomo administration declared on 12/17/14 that "....HVHF [high-volume hydraulic fracturing] should not proceed in NYS."
Once a "Findings Statement" is issued and a final decision is rendered, the proceeding would be ended and very likely could not be revisited without conducting another State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR).
However, there is at least a theoretical legal possibility that any final decision could be revisited by issuing a "Supplemental" Findings Statement. While that is unlikely, we must try to make sure that does not happen.
Call Governor Cuomo today at 518 474 8390.
You will hear a recording. Press 2 to leave a message or press 3 to speak with a live person. Either option is fine.
State very respectfully that you request DEC's Findings Statement to:
A. Implement the No - Action Alternative in the Final SGEIS: "The denial of permits to develop the Marcellus Shale and other low-permeability gas reservoirs by horizontal drilling and high-volume hydraulic fracturing."
B. Implement Department of Health's key policy recommendation:
"Until the science provides sufficient information to determine the level of risk to public health from HVHF [high-volume hydraulic fracturing] to all New Yorkers and whether the risks can be adequately managed, DOH recommends that HVHF should not proceed in NYS."
C. Require that DEC's final decision in this matter cannot be revisited without conducting a new State Environmental Quality Review.
Please sign a coalition letter which echoes those concerns: http://toxicstargeting.com/MarcellusShale/letters/2015/5/15/coalition-letter-cuomo-final-sgeis-findings-statement-requests
These three requests could permanently prohibit shale fracking in New York and make it extremely onerous for DEC to revisit the decision that we have worked so long and hard to achieve.
Thanks for all your amazing help. Your efforts have been truly spectacular.
Only nine days to go. Big Finish.
See Final SGEIS coverage: http://toxicstargeting.com/MarcellusShale/news/2015-5-13/nysdec-finalizes-fracking-review
Always respectfully,
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