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Thank you for Six Amazing Years of Protecting New York From Shale Fracking While Fracked Gas/Oil Production SKYROCKETED Nationwide

Use this Quick Action Guide to require Governor Cuomo to fulfill his promise to prohibit all types of High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing in New York.


I would like to take a moment to commemorate the sixth anniversary of the New York Marcellus Shale Campaign. Our efforts have played a key role in safeguarding our state 100% from shale fracking while fracked gas/oil production SKYROCKETED nationwide. See below. Thank you so much for your help.

I still vividly recall November 8, 2009 when Tom Wilber broke one of my all-time favorite news leads:

"The state's depiction of a clean, tightly regulated natural gas industry just got a shot of muck in the eye.

As the debate over the merits of Marcellus Shale development reaches a crescendo, an Ithaca researcher has culled a list of 270 files documenting wastewater spills, well contamination, explosions, methane migration and ecological damage related to gas production in the state since 1979.

Walter Hang, president of Toxic Targeting, compiled the files using the Department of Environmental Conservation's own hazard substances spills database.

Hang said his company publicly released the list Monday to show regulation of the state's gas industry is 'fundamentally inadequate.'

'All we wanted to do is test the fundamental assessment the DEC often makes: Existing regulations are just fine,' he said."

That front-page coverage led to our first coalition letter which requested that the Draft SGEIS be withdrawn and "sent back to the drawing board" due to its "fatal flaws." A year later, that is exactly what happened.

Our subsequent research, grassroots organizing, coalition building, policy advocacy and media outreach efforts battered each and every proposed SGEIS until Governor Cuomo's plans to permit shale fracking were thwarted. As a result, not one shale gas production well has ever been fracked in New York.

Our fight is by no means over given huge loopholes in the Governor's limited and inadequate High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing prohibition that could permit proposed gelled propane fracking any day in Barton, NY. We are working harder than ever to prohibit all forms of shale fracking in New York.

Nevertheless, our shale fracking success stands in stark contrast to the propaganda charade perpetrated last week by President Obama.

According to The New York Times, the President said, "America is now a global leader when it comes to taking serious action to fight climate change (emphasis added)."

What pathetic malarkey. The reality is that America is the global leader in producing natural gas and oil that contributes to climate change. Thanks to shale fracking, the USA now produces more oil and natural gas than any other nation on the planet.

Crude Oil production in America has reached the highest level in 45 years!!!!

Natural Gas Production Has Reached the Highest Level in American History!!!

Environmental groups and activists in other states have been unable to replicate New York's successes. If New Yorkers want to avoid the fracking fate of PA, OH, CO, ND, TX, CA and many other states, we must rededicate ourselves to the reality that our battle will not be over for many years to come, if ever.

You can see below that fracking for oil and natural gas SKYROCKETED in other states beginning when New York's de facto moratorium was adopted in 2008.

The key to our success has been our ability to reinvent our campaign's sophisticated research, advocacy, media outreach and political organizing efforts year after year. Thank you for supporting that highly coordinated, cooperative and effective hard work.

So far, so good. Onward and upward. Keep slugging.

Very gratefully yours,


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Source: U. S. Energy Information Administration

Crude oil production state-by-state:

Natural gas production state-by-state: