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Gelled Propane Fracking Update/New York Grows Closer to Eliminating All Fossil Fuel Extraction Activities

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I am pleased to report that I respectfully updated Governor Cuomo regarding two coalitions letters with more than 2,300 signatories which request that he require his Department of Environmental Conservation to:

a) withhold any shale fracking permits involving gelled propane in Barton, NY pending completion of a comprehensive environmental impact assessment conducted pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act and

b) issue a Supplemental Findings Statement to fulfill his promise to prohibit all types of High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing in our state.

See letter below.

Take Urgent Action to Prevent Gelled Propane Shale Fracking in Barton, NY

Two gelled propane fracking permits could still be granted any day in Barton, NY. No final decision has been publicly announced. Use this Quick Action Guide to help make sure that New York's shale fracking moratorium does not come to an ignominious end.

New York's Production of Natural Gas and Crude Oil Continues to Plummet

Production of natural gas and crude oil continues to plummet in New York. As more and more production wells "play out," our state grows closer and closer to being completely free of natural gas and oil extraction activities that have plagued the environment with contamination hazards for nearly 200 years.

See: Production of Natural Gas and Oil in New York State

If fossil fuel extraction comes to a halt in New York, our state would provide an unprecedented national model of effective grassroots action to safeguard public health and the environment from gas/oil extraction hazards.

NYS 2015 Natural Gas Production Likely Lowest in 35 Years

Since 2007, New York's natural gas production has dropped by more than 50%. Our state's natural gas boom has practically gone bust.

Statewide 2015 production data will not be released for months to come, but it is very likely that our state's natural gas production has dropped to the lowest level in more than 35 years. This is because not one gas production well was permitted anywhere in New York during 2015.

NYS Crude Oil Production Lowest in 135 Years

New York's crude oil production is reportedly the lowest in 135 years and dropping. It is highly likely that the brutal economics of the vast oil glut caused by shale fracking in other states will cause even more oil production wells to be abandoned in the near-term.

New York's Fading Legacy of Uneconomical Fossil Fuel Extraction Activity

See the legacy of uneconomical gas and oil drilling activity that is fading day by day in New York: Overview of Gas and Oil Extraction Wells Near Allegany, New York

NYS Fossil Fuel Production Stands in Stark Contrast to Soaring National Oil/Gas Production

New York's rapidly dwindling fossil fuel production stands in stunning contrast to national crude oil and natural gas production that is soaring due to shale fracking that the biggest environmental groups in the land have been utterly unwilling or powerless to stop.

While New York has remained free of shale fracking, oil and gas fracking has spread from coast-to-coast and border to border. America is now the biggest oil and gas producer in the world.

See: Production of Oil and Natural Gas in USA and Selected States

Massive Shale Fracking Near Valdez and Segundo, Colorado

See what large-scale fracking looks like: Illustration of Shale Fracking Activities Near Segundo and Valdez, Colorado


New York's shale fracking moratorium is continuing, but we still do not know for how long. Please keep working hard to prevent gelled propane fracking in Barton, NY. We must also require Governor Cuomo to issue a Supplemental Findings Statement to prohibit all types of High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing before it is too late.

Keep slugging. No rest for the weary.



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Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of the State of New York
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo:

I have the honor of presenting for your review two coalition letters with a total of more than 2,300 signatories which respectfully request that you require your Department of Environmental Conservation to:

a) withhold any shale fracking permits involving gelled propane in Barton, NY pending completion of a comprehensive environmental impact assessment conducted pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act and

b) issue a Supplemental Findings Statement to fulfill your promise to prohibit all types of High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing in our state.

See: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Prohibit the Use of Gelled Propane, LPG and All Other "'Environmentally Friendly' or 'Green' Alternatives" Shale Fracking Methods Pending SEQR Review

See: Coalition Letter requests that NYSDEC issue a Supplemental Findings Statement to prohibit all types of High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing

Please note that signatories to these coalition letters referenced more than 100 civic, environmental, public interest, governmental, health care professional, agricultural, business, religious, academic, educational, cultural and other entities.

The two coalition letters received extensive local, regional, statewide and national media coverage. See below.

I trust that you will find these coalition letters self-explanatory, but please do not hesitate to respond should you have any questions.

Thank you very much for your consideration and for your public service.

Very respectfully yours,

Walter Hang

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Walter Hang Interview on Binghamton Now - 7/23/2015