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Second gas drilling wastewater article in NYT series posted


The second article in Ian Urbina's NYT gas drilling wastewater series has just been posted at:

It addresses the toxic and radioactivity concerns associated with recycling contaminated gas drilling wastewater and otherwise improperly disposing of the liquid.

See documents at:

Recycling would likely be precluded in New York if GA (groundwater that supplies drinking water) effluent limitations are applied to fracking and deep well injection. That is a key provision of the coalition letter to Governor Cuomo.

One more piece to go.



Keep calling and emailing Governor Andrew Cuomo, EPA Regional Administrator Judith Enck and DEC Commissioner Nominee Joseph Martens. Ask them to support:

Expanding the scope of the draft SGEIS to include additional concerns, notably how to manage gas drilling wastewater;

Establishing Citizens and Technical Advisory Committees to help DEC revise the draft SGEIS;

Providing at least 30 days public comment to identify additional issues to be included in the draft SGEIS scope;

Requiring individual EIS reviews for horizontal hydrofracturing permits, "GA effluent limitations" for hydrofracturing, deep well injection and wastewater treatment as well as updating DEC's 1992 GEIS.

Please bcc:

Governor Andrew Cuomo
518-474-8390 (o)
Judith Enck
212-637-5000 (o)
DEC Commissioner Nominee Joseph Martens
518-402-8545 (o)

Thanks for all your help.

