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Phonebanking tips



I am getting feedback that calls to Commissioner Grannis are being pushed off to the Division of Mineral Resources. That is the oldest trick in the book.

Tell them you want to speak directly with Commissioner Grannis. Be firm, respectful and polite. Ask for a call back.

If that doesn't work, ask to speak with Executive Deputy Commissioner Stuart Gruskin.

Finally, ask to speak with Deputy Commissioner Val Washington. She is in charge of the Division of Mineral Resources.

The point is you want to speak with DEC leadership. You do not want to speak to the Division of Minerals.

These are wonderful people have worked 30 years to protect the environment and the public interest. Thank them for their service. Then make your pitch.

The bottom line is that DEC has said they will not withdraw the draft SGEIS. Try to change their minds using the talking points I provided.

Read my letter to the Commissioner. Read the 4/5 Ithaca Journal article and the Times Union editorial.


Put your concerns into your own words. Tell them that you are a parent, a homeowner, an elected or appointed official, an environmentalist, a farmer, a business owner or you drink water from a well.

If you are not allowed to speak with one of these DEC officials, complain when you call the Governor.

Every call counts. Pump up the volume.

