Climate Change
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is Dan F and I live at ___ Road, Ithaca, NY .
I write today as both a concerned citizen and teacher. As I share excerpts from Naomi Klein's "This Changes Everything" with my high school Ecology class, it is clear that my students are, on a daily basis, quietly terrified regarding the future that we are allowing to unfold. This despite the many examples of the incredible capacity of individuals to make powerful and positive change which I also share.
Recently, I attended a gathering here in Ithaca where a panel of 6 individuals (mostly scientists) shared their experiences as attendees of COP 21. The gathering was intended to allow each attendee to offer their "take home" impressions. Over-all those who had been there offered a hopeful perspective. Among the surprising things shared, were a number of anecdotes indicating that recent decisions made by New York State concerning fracking were being watched (and appreciated) by people all over the world...
As my students and I work to follow our country's decision making processes as they relate to issues of climate change following COP 21, it is hard not to be depressed and concerned. The core agreement, hammered out in Paris, clearly offers a degree of hope, but if our country is unable to demonstrate some degree of alignment, if not actual leadership, the prospects of coming close to meeting the projected/agreed upon timeline are slim at best.
Having demonstrated exactly the kind of leadership that the Earth is calling for in the recent past, I ask that you continue to do so with regard to the proposed Constitution Pipeline... and, one would assume, the many similarly oriented initiatives yet to come.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
To my environmentally conscious governor
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is David and I live at ___ Place, Ithaca, NY 14850.
I write today because I am concerned that -- despite your 2014 ban on hydraulic fracking in New York -- the natural gas industry's desire to use New York as a high-volume conduit and storage area for exporting natural gas also needs to be stopped. Construction of new pipelines, LPG storage facilities, and retrofitting existing pipelines with more compressor stations poses many of the same risks to New Yorkers' health given the leaks, "purges", explosions, fires that have already happened in New York and all other states that these pipelines traverse. In addition, the Constitution Pipeline's owner refuses to tunnel under each of the 277 or so waterways that the pipeline would cross in New York, flaunting the DEC requirement that they tunnel under the waterways to maintain clean water supplies in our state. Even more concerning for you as an environmentally conscious governor (and one who takes the long view on climate change and our efforts, large and small, to combat the warming effects that greenhouse gases continue to wreak on the atmosphere), is the fact that leaks of natural gas (methane) into the atmosphere do 86 times the negative damage that the same volume of carbon dioxide does! The disastrous effects of constructing and operating this pipeline, and the others that are proposed, would pose insurmountable barriers to New York meeting its state goals for greenhouse gas reduction, goals that you have affirmed. You and we have to reduce the passage of natural gas through New York State, reduce use of natural gas altogether in favor of renewable energy sources, and protect our waterways from pollution! As I write this, not only are Flint, Michigan's water supplies polluted with lead, but THIS WEEK the Ithaca School District's schools have discovered unacceptable levels of lead in their drinking waters! We do not need to introduce more health hazards to New Yorkers' lives, we need to reduce them!
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Governor Cuomo Please Deny All Section 401 Water Quality Certification Applications for Proposed Fossil Fuel Pipelines in New York
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is Dr. L A and I live ___ Lansing, NY.
I write today because I know you share my concern for our natural resources. For over thirty years, my father worked with local governments across New York State to assist them in managing and preserving the quality of our water. I honor the legacy of his work in asking you to protect our precious water resources.
We can not endanger water that will serve generations to come for the relatively short term goals of industry, we must look ahead and serve the public good.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Deny the Water Quality Certification Permit for Constitution Pipeline
Dear Governor Cuomo:
As your constituent, I am deeply concerned about multiple issues regarding Cabot Williams for the unConstitution Pipeline, starting with the abuse of eminent domain. As CW states on their own webpage, this gas will be directed to Canada and shipped overseas, not public convenience and necessity in this country, and who except CW profits while we are left with the costs and the damages?
Currently, CW is in court in Scranton, PA as we speak for having poisoned the water wells of multiple communities and denying the facts. Additionally, the company settled with all of the residents many reluctantly (except three families, two in this lawsuit) and then attached a gag order to prevent the poisonings from getting publicity. The company was also able to legally wrangle imposition of gag orders on medical professionals and social work agencies regarding evidence and patterns of poisonings concurrent to fracking.
This is a short list of ethical character of this company -
1. the initial landmen who were selling the lease agreements, bullying and lying to landowners about benefits and liabilities,
2. denying responsiblity for well poisonings in PA,
3. the theft of land for corporate gain,
4. the painfully inadequate construction plans for protecting New York State's water at crossings, which I have documented to you in multiple emails and to FERC at multiple hearings,
5. the audacity that despite permits not yet granted, and public investor information that the company is on the verge of bankruptcy, CP is sending treecutters out to level trees, that will take decades to regrow...
I find this corporation's business ethic completely criminal, and additionally reckless... having been cited more than any other company in the industry for violations and accidents. Why would you give them any consideration to do business in this state as they do not have any respect for the existing businesses that depend on clean water and fresh air, and have even less respect for the people who's land they are stealing and whose water they will poison? (True to Cabot Williams' ethic, Kinder Morgan is now sending survey crews for the NED out on the ROW, who tell us they are from CP, but refuse to show us papers that prove it and leave when we threaten to call the police. REALLY? You want these companies in your neighborhood?)
Not to mention that fracked gas is a major contributor of methane that accelerates climate change, and continuing the fracked gas infrastructure buildout is sealing the nails on the coffins of the next generation...(How many more Sandys, Lees, and Irenes before we stop the fossil fuel development?) the gas is NOT needed. Renewable sustainable energy technologies are increasingly cheaper and provide more jobs than this boom and bust industry. You have put in place several wonderful initiatives for NYS that will support farming and tourism, and a healthy NY. The unConstitution Pipeline, NED, and all further fracked gas infrastructure do not support a healthy future for NY!
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Deny applications that promote gas drilling and gas drilling infrastructure
February 26, 2016
Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
New York State Governor
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
Dear Governor Cuomo:
I am writing from Ithaca, NY, from the Marcellus Shale region, to express my grave concerns about all forms of high volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF). I am a citizen, clergyperson and someone who appreciates credible scientific inquiry unbiased by economic pressure, and I am concerned on both scientific and moral/religious grounds. The scientific and regulatory aspects of my concerns are detailed below. My religious concerns stem from the Jewish commandment "do not destroy," which refers to the principles expressed in Deuteronomy, prohibiting the destruction of fruit-bearing trees even in times of war, and that there should be no favoritism, bribery or obstruction of justice that would give preference to people on account of their wealth or poverty. In fact, while infractions of legislation such as the Clean Water Act have the potential to affect rich and poor alike, in general such infractions impose a greater burden on the poorest and most vulnerable members of our society, including economically marginalized workers, the unemployed, and children. Even for those who do not identify with a religious tradition, this is a moral issue. The negative impacts of the gas drilling industry far outweigh the possible economic benefits. Despite the promise of jobs, I have personally witnessed workers commuting to Pennsylvania from California to work in this industry, and have heard from Pennsylvania residents of the detrimental impacts on their communities.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
No more pipelines. Keep fossil fuels in the ground.
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is Jerry R and I live at ___ Street, Mahopac, NY 10541.
I write today because the only way our planet can survive this century is for all fossil fuels to be left in the ground. I am a senior citizen but I worry about my children and grandchildren, and all future generations. The fossil fuel industry doesn't care about the health and even the lives of ordinary citizens. They are willing to let people die as long as they increase their wealth. You have an obligation to protect people and not encourage destruction to our planet. The oceans will soon put many cities, including New York and M iami underwater, and many countries as well. If the countries of the world are unwilling to take in the victims of violence in the middle east, how will they deal with the millions who would need housing and food when the oceans displace them?
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
no more pipeline, compressor stations, power plants - no 401WQC's!
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is Joan S and I live at ___.,Slate Hill, New York 10973.
I write today because I am facing the difficult choice of having to sell (at a considerable loss) my home in Slate Hill , which is in the Town of Wawayanda where a 650 MW fracked-gas fired power plant in currently under construction approximately 2 miles from my home. I have lived here for 25 years. I grow much of my own produce. My gardens sustain me body and soul. I know what is in the emissions from this ill-conceived plant. If it is actually built and goes into operation it will no longer be safe for me to garden here. It will no longer be safe for me to take daily walks here. Nearby are extensive farming operations in New York's famed Black Dirt region which will be similarly affected. I believe that clean air and water are God-given rights that no corporation should have the right to take away.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Fulfill Section 401 USCWA
Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
New York State Governor
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is Elizabeth W and I live at __ Place in Lynbrook.
I write today because I am very concerned about the continuation of fossil fuel infrastructure projects. Especially after the Paris accords, and based on all available science, it is past time that those who are in a position of power and responsibility use those gifts to bring us ever closer to the goal of leaving it all in the ground. We know beyond a doubt that fossil fuels, their related infrastructure, and the extreme methods used to extract them are no good for people, animals, the environment and our climate. We must take a stand and turn all our resources and skills to a renewable energy future.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
deny water quality certification for Constitution Pipeline
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is Joanne C and I live in Vestal, not far from the Pennsylvania border.
I write today because I am appalled that tree-felling has begun for the Constitution Pipeline in Pennsylvania and is proposed to begin in New York, even though it has not been approved by the DEC. The project is unnecessary and would not benefit our families or the global climate, as the gas is most likely bound for export. I am very concerned that the land clearing and river and wetlands crossings would increase erosion and increase flooding risks.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Dear Governor Cuomo:
I have been following your impressive actions to make NYS a leader in our nation's move to a renewable energy future. I am proud of you and your administration for your efforts to get our State to 50% renewable energy by 2050. But I urge you to do whatever you can to prohibit additional pipeline and other oil and gas infrastructure in NYS that will shackle us to fossil fuels just when we must be moving aggressively to a renewable energy future.
I write today to urge that State of New York remain strongly committed to REV and not facilitate the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure anywhere in the State. Just last month, my neighborhood in Sullivan County learned that Millennium Pipeline has started the process of securing FERC approval for a 22,400 HP compressor station--this amidst four small rural towns that have signed on as DEC Climate Smart Communities and are arduously working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels! How demoralizing!
With those concerns in mind, I respectfully request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
stop tree felling for pipeline now!
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is The Rev. Nancy Upson Lane, Ph.D. and I live in Elmira, NY.
I write today because Constition Pipeline co has requested the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) to proceed with tree felling in New York even though our State Department of Environmental Conservation has NOT granted a Section 401 Water Quality Certification required for the proposed pipeline to be built. This puts our water quality at high risk of danger from pipeline explosions, fires, and ruptures.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Fracking promises and Water Quality concerns!!
Dear Governor Cuomo:
Our names are Kristin L R and Richard R, and we live on __ Road, in Trumansburg NY .
I write today because I am concerned that you are not going to fulfill your promise of NO FRACKING IN NEW YORK, and A NEW PIPELINE, as well as the possibility of GELLED fracking, which is STILL NOT SAFE. I have two streams on my property, each of which goes over one of the beautiful waterfalls in the Ithaca, NY area, and I am concerned that ANY portion of the state may have to deal with water quality issues (as well as a HOST of other environmental, social and tourism issues) if either fracking, OR OTHER GAS PIPELINE AND INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT are allowed to happen in NY State.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Contitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Stop the constitution Pipeline and curb global warming
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is Gretchen H and I live at ___ Rd.Ithaca NY 14850.
I write today because of my deep concern about methane emissions and their effect on global warming: more than 80 times more powerful than CO2 over 20 years!
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Shale fracking,oil and gas pipelines
My name is Gregory S and I live at Hatch Rd. Trumansburg NY 14886 .
I write today because _of environmental, economic, quality of life and property value concerns.This includes agriculture and tourism issues.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Deny 401 water permit to CP pipeline
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is Rose M and I live at ___ Road, Jefferson, NY 12093.
I write today because I fear a future of water degradation and industrialization of our beautiful Northern Catskills and the best water in the country, more valuable than any fossil fuel.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Save our trees!
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is Jane S. and I live at ___ Creek Road in Ithaca, NY .
I write today because preserving our natural resources and protecting the environment are top priorities for me. We live in one of the most beautiful areas in the world, and we are obligated to conserve this region for the health and well-being of the planet as a whole, and all its inhabitants, not the least of which are our children, grandchildren and so forth.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Deny All Section 401 Water Quality Certification Applications
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is Sharon O M and I live in the Finger Lakes region.
I write today because I don't feel we live in a democratic country anymore. I'm sick and tired of the energy industry using eminent domain purely for their profit, with no benefit for any of the residents in the areas where land is being taken against the owners' will. This is especially true if the product the pipelines are carrying will be exported. In light of your push for renewables and to prevent more climate change, allowing gas/oil infrastructure is just the opposite of what we should be doing now and in the future. Where there are pipelines, compressor stations will be needed. Emissions from compressor stations are toxic to those living downwind of these facilities. I find it especially sickening that FERC has allowed clear cutting of a family maple syrup "forest" in Pennsylvania. FERC NEVER denies the gas/oil industry ANY requests. They basically work for that industry, to the detriment of anyone, anything in its way.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
Deny Water Quality Certification - NO to Constitution Pipeline
Dear Governor Cuomo:
My name is Sam S and I live in Athens, NY where we are currently facing the threat of the hideous, unnecessary, dual lines, Pilgrim Pipeline proposal.
I write today because I strongly believe it is way passed time for NY to completely take the lead in renewable energy solutions and get our state off of fossil fuel addiction. We need to stop the pipeline madness from destroying our beautiful state and putting our communities at severe risk to irreversible economic and health dangers. We are tired of having our land, air, and water destroyed by greedy gas and oil corporations, who use our land and our communities and leave their destruction behind, without providing us with any benefits ever.
With those concerns in mind, I request that you deny all pending applications for Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and all other natural gas, crude oil and petroleum product infrastructure projects in New York due to the state's well-documented inability to fulfill the requirements of Section 401 of the U. S. Clean Water Act.