08/13/19 |
Campaign Launches To Ban All Fracking In New York |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
08/13/19 |
Environmentalists Raise Concerns About Gel-Fracking |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
08/02/19 |
And you thought fracking was banned? This group wants to beat the ban |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
07/26/18 |
Halt the Harm 7/26/18: Walter Hang Discusses Toxics Targeting's Successful Shale Fracking and Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Campaign |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
07/26/18 |
WRFI 7/17/18: Walter Hang Discusses Killing Seneca Lake LPG storage and a Plan to Minimize New York's Energy Demand |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
05/03/18 |
Could Ithaca Falls be re-opened as an EPA Superfund site? |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
04/11/18 |
Health concerns at Elmira High School focus of meeting |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
04/04/18 |
Walter Hang, President of Toxics Targeting, Inc., Releases Previously Withheld Toxic Lead Monitoring Results for Ithaca Falls (4/3/18) |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
04/03/18 |
EPA taking action to address lead contamination at Ithaca Falls |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
04/03/18 |
Report: High Lead Levels Found at Ithaca Falls |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
04/04/18 |
Toxic lead levels found at Ithaca Falls again after millions spent on cleanup |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
04/04/18 |
Extensive pollution persists at Ithaca's two most toxic sites |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
04/03/18 |
Ithaca Falls Toxic Lead Contamination - April 2018 - Ithaca, NY |
Front Page, Videos |
04/03/18 |
Ithaca Falls press conference - 4-3-2018 |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
04/03/18 |
Ithaca Falls Site Sketch With Lead Sampling Data Map |
Front Page, Documents & Data |
04/02/18 |
Photos of Toxic Concerns at Ithaca Falls/Ithaca Falls Overlook 4/2/18 |
Front Page, Photos |
04/02/18 |
Former Ithaca Gun Factory Site - March 21, 2018 Analytical Report Lead Detection Results |
Front Page, Documents & Data |
03/22/18 |
Department of Environmental Conservation Investigates Groundwater Contamination in Ithaca |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
03/01/18 |
Environmental sins of the past haunt Southern Tier communities |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
02/23/18 |
Life on top of Ithaca's uncapped garbage dump |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
01/29/18 |
Are the state's algae plans enough to solve the HAB problem? |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
01/24/18 |
Public Meeting to Discuss Harmful Algal Blooms and a TMDL for Honeoye Lake, 1-20-18 |
Front Page, Photos |
12/29/17 |
WRFI - Community News 12-29-2017 - Walter Hang Discusses Environmental Success Stories in 2017, Challenges for 2018 |
Front Page, Press Coverage, Audio/Podcasts |
12/22/17 |
Toxics Targeting says state records reveal problems at LPG storage site in Bath |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
12/20/17 |
Environmentalists Across New York are Asking Cuomo for a Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Projects |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
12/18/17 |
Plans to frack by liquid gas, not water, still alive in NY in Tioga County |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
12/18/17 |
Despite a century of salt mining, Cargill getting local pushback on environmental issues |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
12/12/17 |
Request That Governor Cuomo Deny Both a Gas Storage Permit for the Proposed Crestwood/Inergy LPG Storage Facility in Reading, NY and Approval for a Proposed Compressed Gas Truck Transfer Facility in Fenton, NY |
Front Page, Letters |
12/06/17 |
LPG Fire, Explosion and Illegal Wastewater Discharge Hazards in Bath, NY |
Front Page, Documents & Data |
11/29/17 |
Binghamton Now - 11/29/2017 - Walter Hang on Maurice Hinchey's Legacy |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
11/28/17 |
Maurice Hinchey and Assembly Reps Who Helped Safeguard New Yorkers From Shale Fracking |
Front Page, Photos |
11/07/17 |
WRFI - Community News 7-28-2017 - Walter Hang Interview - Cargill Salt Mining Under Cayuga Lake |
Front Page, Press Coverage, Audio/Podcasts |
11/01/17 |
Please Take Urgent Action TODAY to Halt Salt Mining Under Cayuga Lake in Order to Safeguard Drinking Water for More Than 30,000 Residents |
Front Page, Alerts |
11/01/17 |
Assemblywoman Lifton pushes against Cargill's salt mining under Cayuga Lake |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
11/01/17 |
Assembly woman speaks out against Cayuga Lake salt mine |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
11/01/17 |
Officials To DEC: Stop Cargill Mining Under Cayuga Lake |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
11/03/17 |
Lifton Demands Under-Lake Salt Mining Halt |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
11/01/17 |
State Assemblywoman to release content of new letter to State DEC |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
10/20/17 |
Environmentalists oppose Lansing salt mine |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
10/05/17 |
Ithaca Falls Overlook Clean-Up Complete-Critics Speak Out |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
10/04/17 |
Harmful algal bloom warning signs may come to Owasco Lake next year |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
10/03/17 |
Local officials continue to disagree on best pollution solution for Owasco Lake |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
09/25/17 |
Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Take Urgent Action to Eliminate Water Quality Impairments That Cause Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms Across New York State |
Front Page, Coalition Letters |
09/28/17 |
Ithaca Falls lead contamination cleanup declared finished by NY DEC |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
09/27/17 |
URGENT ACTION ALERT: Require Governor Cuomo to Eliminate Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms Which Threaten Drinking Water Sources for More Than 300,000 New Yorkers |
Front Page, Alerts |
09/21/17 |
Algae blooms putting the state's drinking water at risk |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
09/28/17 |
Owasco Lake group will hold meeting on harmful algal blooms |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
09/25/17 |
Harmful Algal Blooms Threaten NY Water Bodies |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
09/21/17 |
Walter Hang to talk on Capitol Tonight - 9/20/2017 - Twitter Video |
Front Page, Press Coverage |
09/21/17 |
Algae blooms threaten NY waterways |
Front Page, Press Coverage |