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Request That Governor Cuomo Deny Both a Gas Storage Permit for the Proposed Crestwood/Inergy LPG Storage Facility in Reading, NY and Approval for a Proposed Compressed Gas Truck Transfer Facility in Fenton, NY

December 19, 2017

Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224


I write respectfully to provide for your review hazardous materials spill information obtained from your Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) which details fires, explosions and illegal wastewater discharge hazards at a Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) storage facility reportedly operated by Inergy Midstream LLC in Bath, NY. LPG is reportedly distributed from this site via truck and rail.

This information documents that DEC repeatedly failed to prevent uncontrolled pollution releases at this LPG facility or to clean up them in strict compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements.

See: LPG Fire, Explosion and Illegal Wastewater Discharge Hazards in Bath, NY

Given this record of inadequate regulatory enforcement, I write to reiterate earlier requests that you DENY a gas storage permit requested for a proposed LPG facility that would be operated by Crestwood/Inergy in abandoned salt mines on the shore of historic Seneca Lake in Reading, NY. More than 50,000 local residents drink water from that source.

Previously Documented LPG, Natural Gas Storage and Salt Mining Pollution Hazards in Reading, NY

I earlier documented that a former LPG storage facility at the Crestwood/Inergy site reportedly resulted in toxic contamination releases that repeatedly polluted Seneca Lake. I also documented that a Crestwood subsidiary salt mining facility at the same location operated under multiple consent orders due to regulatory non-compliance.

See: Reading, NY Spill Compilation and US Salt 2016 & 2012 Consent Orders

The most recent oil spill at the Crestwood facility was reported on 10/31/17: Seneca Lake Reportedly Polluted on 10/31/17 by Motor Oil Spill At U. S. Salt Facility in Watkins Glen, NY

Request That You Deny Permit Approvals for a Compressed Gas Truck Transfer Facility Proposed in Fenton, NY

Given the environmental problems at the Inergy facility in Bath, NY, I also request that you DENY all permit authorizations for a similar compressed gas truck transfer facility proposed for Fenton, NY.

See: Documented Compressed Gas Fires, Spills and Toxic Discharges in New York State Involving Pipeline Incidents, Delivery Truck Accidents and Compressor Station Problems

Requests That You Adopt a Statewide Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approval Moratorium

You have received a coalition letter with more than 1,300 signatories which requests that you adopt a moratorium on all fossil fuel infrastructure approvals in New York.

See: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Adopt a Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals

This letter echoes a moratorium request submitted by a total of 22 New York State Legislators.

Legislators Sign-on Letter Requests That Governor Cuomo Adopt Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals


Given DEC's documented inability to safeguard New York from repeated uncontrolled toxic contamination releases associated with LPG and compressed gas operations, it would be irresponsible of your administration to issue a gas storage permit for the proposed Crestwood/Inergy LPG facility in Reading, NY or approvals required for a compressed gas truck transfer facility proposed in Fenton, NY.

DEC has failed for decades to safeguard New York as a whole from hundreds of documented fossil fuel infrastructure pollution hazards involving LPG and natural gas storage, gas transmission pipelines, gas compression stations, gas-fired power plant operations and truck and rail transfer activities. Many of these problems were never cleaned up to public health and environmental protection standards.

See: Natural Gas, Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Pipeline Fires, Explosions, Accidents, Ruptures and Spills and Dominion Pipeline (earlier known as CNG) spills

Your administration has advocated reduction of fossil fuels consumption that contributes to global climate change, but has repeatedly granted permits for massive infrastructure projects that would perpetuate New York's addiction to polluting natural gas and oil for decades to come. That policy makes no sense and must be halted.

With all due respect, you have a duty to enforce the letter and spirit of New York's environmental and public health protection laws, but have repeatedly failed to fulfill that obligation. Unless and until your administration can rectify its inadequate regulatory programs, no further fossil fuel infrastructure approvals should be granted given that New York already has an ample supply of natural gas and LPG to meet its needs. Moreover, statewide energy demand is dropping.

Thank you for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions regarding my request.

Very truly yours,

Walter Hang