Is fracking really banned in New York state? One anti-fracking activist says no.
Last December the Cuomo Administration prohibited high volume hydraulic fracturing. However Walter Hang of Toxics Targeting says the findings statement the state released in June has loopholes.
One, it only prohibits drilling if the project uses more than 300,000 gallons of water in each stage of the drilling. In theory, says Hang, that could allow a project that uses less than that amount in one stage to be allowed.
Hang says the Findings Statement also fails to ban alternative fracking methods such as gel propane fracking. He displayed a permit application for such drilling at Snyder Farm in Tioga County that was submitted to the state in April. He's urging a letter-writing campaign to the governor to close the loopholes.
"We want, bottom line, the Findings Statement to prohibit all types of Marcellus Shale fracking in New York State, no ifs, ands, or buts. And that's what our letter says," said Hang.
Snyder Farm went public about it's application for a gel propane fracking permit in July. A spokesman for the farm said then that gel propane fracking is a higher standard for the drilling practice than high-volume hydraulic fracturing.