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Campaign to End New York's Addiction to Fossil Fuel Energy
News Coverage

News Conference 6/1/2018 - Finger Lakes LPG storage leakage concerns
Data Analysis
LPG Fire, Explosion and Illegal Wastewater Discharge Hazards in Bath, NY
Documented Compressed Gas Fires, Spills and Toxic Discharges in New York State Involving Pipeline Incidents, Delivery Truck Accidents and Compressor Station Problems
Dryden Town Planner Log of Dominion New Market Pipeline/Borger Compressor Station meetings, phone calls and other activities: 2/17 - 5/17
Town of Dryden Supervisor Jason Leifer Dominion New Market Pipeline/Borger Compressor Station Phone Log 2/17 - 5/17
ExxonMobil or Corporate Predecessor Environmental Data Regarding New York State
3/16/2017 Letter to Town of Dryden re: Dominion's Borger Compressor Station wetland variance request
Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion Project
US Salt 2016 & 2012 Consent Orders
Selected States Oil, Gas and Injection Wells Maps
Standard Oil Pipeline Pollution Documents
Letter to Commissioner Seggos requesting a retraction and clarification re: spill # 9806491 cleanup
Letter to Gov. Cuomo Re: Oil Padding
International Salt Company Fuel Oil "Padding" Spill Reading, NY
Letter To Gov. Cuomo Re: Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion Project
Letter Which Requests That FERC rescind its "Conditional Approvals" for Dominion New Market Pipeline, Arlington Gas Storage and Constitution/Iroquois Pipelines
Letter to U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Which Requests That the Section 401 Water Quality "Blanket Authorization" Be Rescinded For Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion Project
Request that EPA Region 2 Rescind the Section 401 Water Quality Certification "Blanket Authorization" Improperly Granted by DEC for the Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion Project
Statement of Walter L. T. Hang 218 Wait Avenue, Ithaca, NY 14850 September 6, 2016
Letter to Governor Cuomo requesting denial of hydrocarbon storage permits applications for Reading, NY facilities
Reading, NY Spill Compilation
Tompkins County Legislature - Request for Public Hearing re: Dominion New Market Pipeline
Dominion/CNG Transmission Spill 9912031 Closed for Questionable Reasons
Dominion Pipeline (earlier known as CNG) spills
NYSDEC Letter to Tioga Energy Partners re: Notice of Incomplete Application for Propane Waterless Hydraulic Fracturing (WLHF) Well Drilling Permit
Statement of Walter L. T. Hang Regarding Governor Andrew M. Cuomo's Proposed Clean Energy Standard Binghamton, NY May 10, 2016
1/11/16 Letter to Governor Cuomo Regarding Constitution Pipeline Company's Request to FERC for authorization to begin "tree-felling activities"
Natural Gas, Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Pipeline Fires, Explosions, Accidents, Ruptures and Spills
Coalition Letters
Coalition Sign-on Letter Requesting Enforcement of Dryden's 5/24/17 Letter to Dominion Transmission Inc and the Town's Public Utility Approval Moratorium
More Than 750 Signatories to Coalition Letter Which Requests That Presidential Candidates Pledge to Ban Nationwide Improper Disposal of Toxic and Radioactive Fracking and Oil/Gas Wastewater
National Coalition Letter Which Requests That Presidential Candidates Pledge to Ban Toxic-Polluting Disposal of Fracking and Conventional Oil and Natural Gas Wastewater
Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Adopt a Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals
Groups, institutions and entities referenced by signatories to: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Adopt a Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals
New York Presidential Primary Candidate Pledge to Oppose the Constitution Pipeline and Support Five Innovative Energy Policies
Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo End New York's Addiction to Fossil Fuels
Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Deny All Section 401 Water Quality Certification Applications
Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Prohibit the Use of Gelled Propane, LPG and All Other "'Environmentally Friendly' or 'Green' Alternatives" Shale Fracking Methods Pending SEQR Review
Personalized Letters
Request That Governor Cuomo Deny Both a Gas Storage Permit for the Proposed Crestwood/Inergy LPG Storage Facility in Reading, NY and Approval for a Proposed Compressed Gas Truck Transfer Facility in Fenton, NY
Even More Powerful, Personalized Letters Which Request That President Obama Ban Improper Fracking Wastewater Dumping
More Letters to President Obama - 1-3-2017
Personalized Letters Which Request That President Obama Ban Improper Oil and Nat. Gas Wastewater Disposal
Please Fulfill Your 2012 State of the Union Promise by Banning Five Types of Outmoded Natural Gas and Oil Fracking Wastewater Disposal
Powerful Personalized Letters Which Request That Governor Cuomo DENY All Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approvals in New York
Personalized letters to Governor Cuomo which Request That He Deny All Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approvals in NYS
Self-explanatory letter which allows citizens to request that Governor Cuomo DENY a Section 401 Water Quality Certification required for the proposed project to be constructed
4-25-2016 - Thank You excerpts for Constitution/NED Pipeline Victories
4-22-2016 More Letters to Governor Cuomo to Kill the Proposed Constitution Pipeline
3-31-16 Continuing Deluge of Letters to Governor Cuomo to Kill the Proposed Constitution Pipeline
3-24-16 - Additional Pipeline and Fracking letters to Governor Cuomo
3-21-16 More Pipeline and Fracking letters to Governor Cuomo
Latest Compilation of Section 401 Constitution Pipeline and Gelled Propane Letters Sent to Governor Cuomo
3-11-16 Even still more Cuomo Constitution Pipeline letters
3-7-16 Still More Cuomo-Constitution Pipeline letters
Incredible Fractivist Letters From Coast to Coast Request that Governor Cuomo Deny the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the Proposed Constitution Pipeline
Action Alerts
Deciphering Governor Cuomo's Denial of the Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) Pre-Construction Air State Facility Permit Renewal for its Valley Energy Center Power Plant
Thanks For All Your Kind Words/Check Out an Excruciatingly Detailed After-Action Report on the Crestwood Gas Storage Battles in Reading, NY
Proposed Finger Lakes/Crestwood LPG Gas Storage Facility in Reading, NY is DEAD/Governor Cuomo Fulfilled our Requests to DENY a Critical Gas Storage Permit/Fractivists Help Safeguard Seneca Lake
Deluge Governor Cuomo With Calls to Require Him to DENY the Gas Storage Permit Requested for the Proposed LPG Facility in Reading, NY on Seneca Lake
Proposed LPG Salt Cavern Storage Leakage Concerns Near Seneca Lake Reported to DEC Circa 2011!!! / DEC Inexplicably Failed to Require an LPG Salt Cavern Leakage Study to be Conducted Immediately
Urgent Crestwood Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Storage Action Alert/Require Governor Cuomo to DENY a Critical Gas Storage Permit In Order to Protect Seneca Lake
Wahoo!!! Proposed Compressed Natural Gas "Virtual Pipeline" Project in Fenton, NY is Reportedly Dead/Another Giant Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Project Bites the Dust in New York
Fire, Explosion and Illegal Toxic Wastewater Discharge Hazards Documented at LPG Storage Facility in Bath, NY/Take Action to Protect Seneca Lake from LPG Contamination Threats
Happy Fractivist Thanksgiving
Thank you so much for helping our wonderfully successful campaign that began eight years ago TODAY!
Important Day Looming/Tale of Two Cities/Live and Learn
Thank You for Supporting Toxics Targeting's Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Campaign/See Detailed Report/Great News Regarding Pennsylvania
What All of Our Hard Work Has Achieved/New York Could Soon be the First State in the Union to Halt All Fossil Fuel Production
Important Update on Our Efforts to Kill the NG Advantage, LLC Proposed Compressed Natural Gas "Virtual Pipeline" Facility in the Town of Fenton, NY
I Hope That You Will Enjoy Some Very Good News/Keep Calling Governor Cuomo to Oppose a SPDES Permit for the Proposed Compressed Natural Gas Truck Transfer Station in Fenton, NY
Thank You for All Your Generous Support/Please Help Toxics Targeting End New York's Addiction to Fossil Fuels
Keep Taking Concerted Action to Require Governor Cuomo to Kill a Proposed "Virtual Pipeline" Natural Gas Compressor Station and Truck Transfer Facility in Fenton, NY
One for All, All for One: Help Protect Fenton, NY From a Proposed "Virtual Pipeline" Natural Gas Compressor Station and Truck Transfer Facility
Take Urgent Action to Require Town of Dryden Officials to Halt the Borger Compressor Station Expansion by Enforcing Local Regulatory Requirements and a Public Utility Approval Moratorium
Wahoooo!!! State Supreme Court Judge Halts Work on Proposed Port Dickinson "Virtual Pipeline" Compressed Gas Truck Transfer Facility
Take Action Today to Require Governor Cuomo to Kill the Proposed Port Dickinson "Virtual Pipeline" Compressed Gas Truck Transfer Facility
Demand That Dryden Supervisor Jason Leifer Immediately Enforce the Town's Public Utility Approval Moratorium Regarding Dominion New Market Pipeline/Accept No Excuses/Promise to Remember in November
Beat the Bushes for More Signatories/Dryden Public Utility Approval Moratorium Could Stop Dominion New Market Expansion of the Borger Compressor Station
Urgent Alert to Require the Town of Dryden to Enforce Its Own Public Utility Approval Moratorium for Dominion New Market Expansion of the Borger Facility
WE DID IT!!!!!! /Town of Dryden Announces Suspension of Local Approvals for Dominion New Market Pipeline and Will Require a Special Use Permit Proceeding for Borger Compressor Station
Pour It On. Take Immediate Action to Require Dryden Town Supervisor Jason Leifer to Halt Dominion New Market Pipeline
Town of Dryden Dominion New Market Pipeline Campaign Update
5/1/17 Atlantic Bridge Pipeline Approval is a Cautionary Tale/We Are Down to the Nitty Gritty in Our Efforts to Halt Dominion New Market Pipeline
Another Stunning Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Victory in NYS/Crestwood's Proposed Arlington Methane Gas Storage Project Bites the Dust/Seneca Lake Not Yet Protected From Proposed LPG Fossil Fuel Storage Project
Take Urgent Action to Halt Dominion New Market Pipeline/Demand That the Town of Dryden Withdraw All Local Approvals and Require Governor Cuomo to Revoke the SPPP
Thanks to Everyone Who Attended the Amazing Dominion Energy Public Meeting on May 1, 2017/Take Urgent Action to Stop the Proposed Expansion of the Borger Compressor Station on Ellis Hollow Creek Road in Dryden, NY
Calling All Fractivists/Show up at a Crucial Dominion Energy Public Meeting on May 1, 2017 to Stop the Proposed Expansion of the Borger Compressor Station on Ellis Hollow Creek Road in Dryden, NY
Thanks to One and All Who Helped Stop Northern Access Pipeline/Read the Enthralling Section 401 Water Quality Certification Denial Letter
Another Hugely Important Interstate Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Kill/Thanks and Congrats to Everyone Who Helped Thwart Northern Access Pipeline
More Important Information to Require the Town of Dryden and Governor Cuomo to Revoke all Approvals for the Proposed Expansion of the Dominion New Market Borger Compressor Station
Keep Writing and Calling to Require the Town of Dryden to Withdraw all Local Approvals for the Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion of the Borger Compressor Station/Hold Governor Cuomo Accountable
Front-Page Coverage for Our Dominion New Market Campaign/Take Action to Require the Town of Dryden to Avoid Borger Compressor Station Pollution Problems It Acknowledged to Governor Cuomo
FERC Grants Dominion New Market Pipeline Wetland and Waterbody Protection Variances/We Must Now Require the Town of Dryden and Governor Cuomo to Enforce Critical Local and State Environmental Safeguards
Town of Dryden Supervisor Writes FERC to Oppose Granting Dominion's Requested Wetland/Waterbody Protection Variances and Notice to Proceed Until the Concerns We Documented Are Resolved
Town of Dryden Dominion New Market Pipeline Campaign Update/Nothing Has Yet Been Resolved/We Are Moving Political Mountains But We Must Keep Pushing Hard
Keeping Calling and Writing the Town of Dryden Board to Make Sure That Dominion New Market Pipeline Cannot Proceed
We Are Still Batting 1.000 to Kill All Proposed Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Projects, At Least for Now/Pour it on/We are Hanging by a Thread
Take Action to Persuade the Town of Dryden to Suspend or Withdraw Local Approvals for the Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline
Important New Development in Our Campaign to Kill the Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline
Keep Calling and Writing to Kill Critical Wetland and Waterway Protection Variances for Dominion New Market Pipeline
We are tying FERC into the Gordian Knot/Keep Calling and Writing to Kill Newly Requested Wetland and Waterway Protection Variances for Dominion New Market Pipeline
Time is of the Essence: Keep Calling and Writing to Kill Newly Requested Wetland and Waterway Protection Variances for Dominion New Market Pipeline
Take Urgent Action to Kill Newly Requested Wetland and Waterway Protection Variances for Dominion New Market Pipeline
Take Action Today to Require President Obama to Make Sure That Donald Trump Cannot Frack America
Take Urgent Action Today to Stop Donald Trump From Fracking America
Update on Your Incredibly Powerful Personalized Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Moratorium Letters
Dominion New Market Pipeline Project NOT Approved by DEC/Keep Cranking Out Personalized Letters/Keep Calling Governor Cuomo
Thank You for Supporting Toxics Targeting's Miraculously Successful Campaign to Keep New York 100% Free of Shale Fracking and New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Projects
Pour it On to Require Governor Cuomo to Deny All Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approvals in New York/See Amazingly Powerful Personalized Letters
Help Require Governor Cuomo to Deny All Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approvals in New York/Big Finish to our Shockingly Successful 2016 Infrastructure Campaign!!!
Keep Pushing to Require Presidential Candidates to Pledge to Ban Improper Shale Fracking Wastewater Disposal Nationwide
Wonderful News Regarding Requiring Presidential Candidates to Pledge to Ban Improper Shale Fracking Wastewater Disposal Nationwide
How Far We Have Come/Keep Calling and Writing Governor Cuomo to Kill Dominion New Market and Crestwood Gas Storage/More Important News Very Shortly
Congrats on Another Glorious Day in New York Without Shale Fracking/More News Coverage for our Dominion New Market Pipeline and Crestwood Gas Storage Campaign Efforts
Front-Page, Lead-Story Coverage for our Kill the Dominion New Market Pipeline Campaign/More Than 300 Personalized Letters Sent/"Very High Level of Calls" Reported by Governor's Staff
Five Days to Kill the Dominion New Market Pipeline/Extensive Press Coverage Launches New Coordinated Campaign/Call and Write Governor Cuomo Till You Drop
Take Urgent Action to Require Governor Cuomo to DENY Section 401 Water Quality Certifications Required for the Dominion New Market Pipeline and Other Fossil Fuel Projects Across New York
More Great Media Coverage/Dominion New Market Pipeline Battle/Beat the Bushes for More Coalition Letter Signatories
New Campaign to Require Governor Cuomo to Adopt a Statewide Moratorium on Pipelines, Power Plants, Compressor Stations is Off to a Stupendous Start
Please Sign a New Coalition Letter Which Requests that Governor Cuomo Adopt an Unprecedented Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals
Constitution Pipeline Victory News Coverage/battle continues as pipeline investors promise "all available options" challenge to overturn landmark Section 401 denial decision
Cuomo Administration Fulfills Our Requests to Deny the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for Proposed Constitution Pipeline/Great Work/Wow/Thanks so Much
Take Immediate, Urgent Action to Require Governor Cuomo to DENY the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the Constitution Pipeline
More Major National Media Coverage/Please Support Toxics Targeting's Campaign to Safeguard New York From Shale Fracking and Fossil Fuel Hazards
The Political Eyes of the Nation Are on New York and Our Campaign to Kill the Constitution Pipeline and Halt New York's Addiction to Fossil Fuels/Start Bird-Dogging the Candidates
The Next Two Weeks Could be Historic for Fractivists in New York/Breaking New York Times Story Regarding Upcoming Presidential NYS Primary/Become a Signatory to Our New Coalition Letter
No Tree-Felling Allowed for Proposed Constitution Pipeline Until at Least 11/1/16/One Month to Kill the Pipeline by Requiring Governor Cuomo to DENY its Requisite Section 401 Water Quality Certification
New Pipeline Safety Oversight Audit by State Comptroller Confirms Widespread Natural Gas Hazards Documented in Toxics Targeting's Compilation of 114 Pipeline Explosions, Fires, Ruptures and Toxic Releases
More Amazing Letters/The Fallacy of Compensatory Mitigation/Check Out a New Video/Keep Slugging
Ten Days Until Tree-Felling Deadline for Proposed Constitution Pipeline/40 Days and Nights to Require Governor Cuomo to Deny the Section 401 Water Quality Certification Required for the Constitution Pipeline
Do Not Let Governor Cuomo Silence Your Voices/Exercise Your Democratic Rights or You Might Not Have Them
Walter Hang Interviewed by Cornell Economics Student Regarding Toxics Targeting's Shale Fracking and Infrastructure Campaign 3/22/16
Keep Calling and Writing Governor Cuomo to DENY the Section 401 WQC Required for The Proposed Constitution Pipeline to be Built/Another Week Down, Two to Go Until the 3/31/16 No Tree-Felling Deadline
One Week Down, Three to Go Until 3/31/16 Tree-Felling Deadline/Keep Calling and Writing Governor Cuomo to DENY the Section 401 WQC Required for The Proposed Constitution Pipeline
The Next 30 Days Could be Critical in Deciding the Fate of the Proposed Constitution Pipeline/Take Relentless Action to Require Governor Cuomo to DENY the Section 401 WQC for That Proposed Project
Hear, Hear/Wow, What Incredible Letters/Power to the People/Keep Calling and Writing Governor Cuomo to Kill the Proposed Constitution Pipeline
FERC TREE FELLING ALERT/New Personalized Form Letters for Your Advocacy Convenience/More TV Coverage/Contact Governor Cuomo to Kill the Section 401 WQC for the Proposed Constitution Pipeline
Governor Cuomo Still Has Not Denied the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the Proposed Constitution Pipeline/Coal Power Plants Face Natural Gas Conversion Problems/Visiting Schlumberger in Horseheads
Special Alert: Governor Cuomo Will Be in Dunkirk, NY at 10:30 AM This Morning/Oppose Converting Coal-Fired Power Plants to Natural Gas/Request that the Governor End New York's Addiction to Fossil Fuels
Check out the Huge Banner Headline for an Article That Reports our Pipeline Research and Successful Organizing Efforts/Keep Calling Governor Cuomo/Tree Clearing Already Underway in PA
Please Become a Signatory to a Very Important New Coalition Letter to End New York's Addiction to Fossil Fuels/More Front-Page Coverage for our Kill the Pipelines Campaign
Important New Development/Call Governor Cuomo TODAY to Kill the Proposed Constitution Pipeline/Stop Climate Change Hypocrisy
Governor Cuomo flooded with Kill the Constitution Pipeline Calls/Pour it on/Phone banking tips
Keep Calling Governor Cuomo to Request That He Deny the Section 401 WQC for the Proposed Constitution Pipeline/More Press Coverage/Ugly FB Debate/Where We Stand
No Decision Yet on Constitution Pipeline Section 401 Water Quality Certification/Keep Deluging Governor Cuomo With Calls/More Press Coverage
2016 State of the State Kill the Pipelines Rally
Emergency Alert: Critical New Development for Proposed Constitution Pipeline/Hope to See You at State of the State on 1/13/16
Come to State of the State on 1/13/16 to Tell Governor Cuomo to DENY Gelled Propane permits for Barton, NY and all Section 401 Certification Applications for Gas Pipelines and Infrastructure Projects
Keep New York 100% free of shale fracking and pipeline hazards in 2016/Announcing an Astounding New Campaign That Builds on Everything We Have Achieved
Wonderful News About Working Well Together to Achieve Great Goals
Major New Pipeline Campaign Now Underway in NYS With Implications That are Truly Mind-Boggling and Inspiring/Extensive Media Coverage Summarized
Request That Governor Cuomo Deny All Section 401 Water Quality Certification Applications for Proposed Natural Gas, Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Infrastructure Projects Across NYS