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All Hands on Deck: Take Urgent Action TODAY to Prohibit Carbon Dioxide Shale Fracking in New York

Take Urgent Action to Prohibit Carbon Dioxide Shale Fracking in New York

Become a signatory to our New Coalition Letter: Request That Governor Hochul Prohibit All Forms of High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing Combined With Horizontal Drilling in New York In Order to Prevent Carbon Dioxide Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Extraction

Learn about this massive shale fracking threat by watching: Walter Hang's 12/12/23 News Conference to Announce a Campaign to Prohibit Carbon Dioxide Shale Fracking in New York

Please Donate Generously to Support Toxics Targeting's New Campaign to Keep New York 100% Free of All Forms of High-Volume Hydraulic Fracking, Including Carbon Dioxide Fracking Proposed in the Southern Tier

Greetings Fractivists,

I alert all New Yorkers that a massive effort is underway to frack Marcellus Shale in our state's Southern Tier using carbon dioxide. Toxics Targeting implores all Fractivists to take immediate action to stop this fatally flawed proposal before it is too late.

See: Carbon Dioxide Marcellus Shale Leasing Letter from Southern Tier CO2 to Clean Energy Solutions

In 2015, Fractivists successfully battered Governor Andrew Cuomo into prohibiting Marcellus Shale High-Volume Hydrofracturing involving "the stimulation of a well using 300,000 or more gallons of water (emphasis added) as the base fluid for hydraulic fracturing for all stages in a well completion, regardless of whether the well is vertical or directional, including horizontal."

Cuomo chose not to prohibit non-water High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing methods associated with "Liquid CO2," "Nitrogen-based foam" and "Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)" even though his Department of Environmental Conservation determined that these non-water fracking methods, "all fail to limit unavoidable adverse environmental impacts and fail to address the risks and uncertainties of high-volume hydraulic fracturing (emphasis added)."

Fractivists must now require Governor Hochul to prohibit all forms of High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing because 6,500 letters were reportedly sent to landowners in the Southern Tier seeking to lease mineral rights for carbon dioxide shale fracking for natural gas. This proposal imperils all we have achieved to keep New York free of Marcellus Shale fracking's irreparable public health and environmental hazards.

Take Urgent Action NOW!!!

1) Become a signatory to our New: Request That Governor Hochul Prohibit All Forms of High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing Combined With Horizontal Drilling in New York In Order to Prevent Carbon Dioxide Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Extraction

2) Circulate our new coalition letter as widely as possible. Beat the bushes for as many signatories as you can scare up.

3) Call and keep calling the Governor at 518 474 8390 to echo our critical request:

"I request that Governor Hochul immediately prohibit all forms of Marcellus Shale High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing, including using carbon dioxide or other non-water fracking methods, combined with horizontal, directional or vertical drilling."

After you echo this request word-for-word, please explain why you want the Governor to fulfill your demand. Expound on your background, professional credentials or role in your community as an elected or appointed official, artist, musician, business leader, educator, esteemed professor, physician, health care professional, attorney, public interest advocate, religious leader, noted author, taxpayer, Fractivist, etc.

Please read our coalition letter carefully so you will know what you are talking about and can be your eloquent best. Make good arguments.

Tell the Governor's office that you are a signatory to Toxics Targeting's coalition letter that makes this respectful, well-documented request.

You get the idea. Identify yourself. Promise to hold the Governor strictly accountable. Throw your weight around within reason. Make sure your echo our request and avoid improper personal attacks of any kind.

Deluge the Governor with calls. Tie the Governor's switchboard into the Gordian knot. Demand to be called back.

Do Not Stop Until You Drop. Go Hard. There is strength in unity.

Thanks so much. Onward and upward.

