Please visit their web site to learn more about this campaign.
Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Hochul Comprehensively Remediate All Toxic Sites in the Gowanus Canal Community to "Pre-Disposal Conditions."
Public Health and Environmental Toxic Threats Along the Gowanus Canal That Reportedly Do Not Meet All Applicable Cleanup Standards

EPA letter to Susan Edwards, Acting Director, NYSDEC Division of Environmental Remediation regarding the Former Citizens Gas Works Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) site
Please Do Not Adopt the Fatally Flawed Proposed "expedited cleanup of contamination at 514 Union Street," Brownfield Site # C224318
Write a Personalized Letter to Governor Hochul to Request a Comprehensive Cleanup of All Toxic Sites in the Gowanus Canal Community to "pre-disposal conditions" in Strict Compliance With New York State Law
Statement of Margaret Maugenest, Long-Term Gowanus Canal Community Resident and Cancer Survivor