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Take Action Today to Demand That Governor Hochul Halt Harmful Algal Blooms That Plague Drinking Water Sources for More Than 10 Million New Yorkers

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Toxics Targeting Releases Updated 2024 New York Harmful Algal Blooms Map and HABs-Impaired Waterbody Listing

A Total of 1,112 Individual HABs and 169 Waterbodies With HABs Confirmed So Far in 2024 According to State Data

HABs Threatens Drinking Water For 10+ Million New Yorkers in Auburn, Ithaca, Syracuse, Rochester, NYC and across the State

HABs Cleanup Coalition Demands That Governor Hochul Fulfill Her 12/12/23 Public Promise:
"No one in New York should ever fear that they don't have access to clean water."


Toxics Targeting just generated widespread media coverage for posting an updated 2024 New York State Map of 1,112 confirmed Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and a detailed listing of 169 waterbodies with confirmed HABs. The HABs data were obtained from the State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Many thanks to Auburn, NY Mayor, James N. Giannettino, Jr., and Auburn City Council Representative, Terrence Cuddy, for attending a statewide coalition news conference to demand that Governor Hochul adopt, fund and implement Total Maximum Daily Load comprehensive watershed regulatory cleanup plans for all waterbodies in New York with confirmed HABs.

See our video of the: 9/5/24 News Conference Requesting That Governor Hochul Clean Up All Harmful Algal Blooms in NY

See: Pics from 9/5/24 News Conference

With at least two more months of warm weather in 2024, it is highly likely that the total number of confirmed individual HABs and HABs-Impaired Waterbodies will once again set statewide records.

Confirmed Harmful Algal Blooms in New York State (9/9/2024) Map

Confirmed Harmful Algal Blooms in New York State (9/9/2024) List

Sample Harmful Algal Blooms in the Finger Lakes Summer 2024

Activists all over New York are writing Governor Hochul to demand that she fulfill her 12/12/23 public promise: "No one in New York should ever fear that they don't have access to clean water."

Our goal is to send at least one personalized letter concerning every waterbody with HABs in New York. "The pen is mightier than the sword." Start cranking letters if you want to halt HABs that imperil public health and the environment in our state.

Write a Personalized Demand That Governor Hochul Adopt a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Comprehensive Watershed Regulatory Cleanup Plan to Eliminate Harmful Algal Blooms That Threaten Your Health and Well-Being

Join more than 1,000 signatories to our: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Hochul Take Immediate Regulatory Enforcement Action to Eliminate Harmful Algal Blooms Across New York

HABs Threaten Drinking Water Supplied to More Than 10 million New Yorkers

HABs imperil drinking water supply sources for Auburn, Ithaca, Syracuse, Skaneateles, Rochester, New York City and across the state. This is because Governor Hochul refuses to adopt comprehensive watershed regulatory cleanup plans called Total Maximum Daily Loads that are mandated for hundreds of HABs-impaired waters according to the U. S. Clean Water Act.

HABs Are Exploding All Over New York in Numbers Greater Than Ever Before

HABs in Cayuga Lake jumped from 89 in 2023 to 137 HABs so far in 2024 and threaten drinking water supplied to more than 30,000 residents. Cayuga Lake is the #1 priority in New York for a Total Maximum Daily Load originally mandated in 2002. This stunning failure of regulatory enforcement is outrageous, inexcusable and unacceptable.

HABs in Owasco Lake increased from 72 HABs in 2023 to 88 HABs so far in 2024 and threaten drinking water supplied to more than 45,000 residents.

HABs in Seneca Lake rose from 50 HABs in 2023 to 304 HABs so far in 2024. This is the highest number of HABs confirmed in any waterbody in New York.

HABs in Canandaigua Lake shot up from 83 HABs in 2023 to 228 HABs in 2024.


In the coming months, we must crank up the heat on Governor Hochul to provide a favorable reply to our coalition letter request. See phone banking guide below.

Thanks so much.

Onward and upward,


Call Governor Hochul at 518 474 8390 and repeat after me word for word:

"Governor, on 12/12/23 you promised that, "No one in New York should ever fear that they don't have access to clean water." You also promised, "We are reassuring communities across New York that your kids, grandkids, and great grandkids will always have access to clean and safe water." I am calling to demand that you keep your word.

Property HABs Concern

Governor, I live on ____ Lake, ___ River or ___ Bay that is plagued with Harmful Algal Blooms. I am a signatory to a Coalition Letter Request That Governor Hochul Take Immediate Regulatory Enforcement Action to Eliminate Harmful Algal Blooms Across New York. I demand that you immediately require a Total Maximum Daily Load Comprehensive Watershed Cleanup Plan to be adopted to eliminate HABs that threaten my home and property value.

Drinking Water HABs Concern

Governor, I drink water supplied from ____ Reservoir, ___ Lake, ___ River, ___ Bay that is inundated with Harmful Algal Blooms. I am a signatory to a Coalition Letter Request That Governor Hochul Take Immediate Regulatory Enforcement Action to Eliminate Harmful Algal Blooms Across New York. I demand that you immediately require a Total Maximum Daily Load Comprehensive Watershed Cleanup Plan to be adopted to eliminate HABs that threaten my drinking water and my health.

After you echo this detailed "ask," please feel free to say whatever else you like, within reason. Be your powerful, respectful, eloquent and knowledgeable best. Please try to stay "on-message." Demand a TMDL within two years for every waterbody in New York impaired with HABs.