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Pro-drilling demonstrators tired of demonstrating


As the second 12-hour EPA meeting session began on Wednesday, some pro-drilling demonstrators said they are starting become somewhat tired of making their case.

“People are getting burnt out on it,” said Marchie Diffendorf of the Joint Landowners Coalition of New York. “It just keeps going on and on, and nobody trusts what the state’s going to do next — let alone the EPA.”

Diffendorf said the meeting was just one more event amid the three-year process of lobbing to bring natural gas drilling to New York State, and defend the use of high-volume hydraulic fracturing nationwide.

“This has become very tiring,” said Brad Chubb, a landowner from Windsor. “There are some people who have been doing this for three years and it’s ridiculous. We shouldn’t have to do this for something that is our right to do anyway.”

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