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Drilling Protest On Campus


Dickinson, NY (WBNG Binghamton) People against hydrofracking head to a school campus to get their voices heard.
On Friday morning, New York Residents Against Gas Drilling (NYRAD) were loud about their message on the Broome BOCES campus.

They say they wanted Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo and State Senator Tom Libous to hear them as the leaders drove on their way to a breakfast at BOCES.

NYRAD say they want all government officials - including Governor Cuomo - to not allow hydrofracking in the Empire State until all problems and complaints in the SGEIS are taken care of.

"We're here to let Senator Tom Libous and Assemblywoman Lupardo know that we will not allow the Southern Tier of New York to be sold out as a sacrifice for natural gas drilling. It's not natural, it's radioactive shale gas," said Abram Loeb.

Assemblywoman Lupardo's office says the protest happened before the Assemblywoman was on campus and she has no comment. We did not hear back from Libous.