State DEC commissioner Joe Martens' comments that some fracking permits could "conceivably" be issued before the end of 2012 have unleashed a flood of reaction from all sides of the fracking debate.
Pro-frackers say it's further proof New York is ready to drill.
Others don't see how the DEC could get through the 45,000 comments it just received on it's latest environmental impact statement, or SGEIS, by the end of the year.
"How are you going to review these extraordinarily technical matters. For example what are you going to do with the contaminated wastewater, how are you going to protect public health?" said Walter Hang, President of Toxics Targeting.
"The majority of the process is done. There might be some tweaking here or there but I think generally everyone believes the DEC is prepared, our state is prepared, and we can go forward in a safe manner," says Scott Kurkoski an Attorney for Joint Landowners Coalition New York.
Martens said that no permits would be issued before it reviews comments on the SGEIS, or before final regulations are set.