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Environmental Analyst: NG Advantage Misleading Fenton Residents

A study conducted by four environmental experts reveals NG Advantage is misleading residents by comparing its proposed natural gas site in Fenton to the one in Milton, Vermont.

Assembly members call to stop Cayuga Lake salt mining expansion

LANSING, N.Y. -- There's a new call to stop the expansion of salt mining under Cayuga Lake - and to move operations out from under the water.

New York State Assembly Official Welcome 6/15/17

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Lawmakers calling on DEC to stop salt mine expansion

ITHACA (WENY) - Cayuga Salt Mine has been in operation for nearly 100 years. Now, Lawmakers are calling on the DEC to put an end to under water expansion.

State Assemblywoman announces Cargill Mine letter in contentious press conference

ITHACA– The State Assemblywoman to the Ithaca area announced Thursday that she would be speaking out against salt mining underneath Cayuga Lake.

Assemblywoman urges halt in Cargill salt mine expansion below Cayuga Lake

ITHACA, N.Y. – In a press conference Thursday morning, Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton voiced concern for future mining activity below Cayuga Lake, calling for a moratorium on expansions of the Cargill salt mine, a proposal which has mine workers concerned.


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