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Michael Nocella

Cornell Heights Student Housing Tabled for Possible Downsizing

Cornell Heights Resident Walter Hang on the site of the proposed student housing project.

Developer CA Ventures has opted to table its proposal for a 45-unit, 114-bed apartment complex at 7 Ridgewood Road in Cornell Heights after Ithaca Landmarks Preservation Commission (ILPC) described the project as being too large to qualify for a certificate of appropriateness during its public meeting on Tuesday, May 20. The developers will revise their proposal and continue discussions with ILPC next month. The commission’s decision is the latest development in the Cornell Heights neighbors’ efforts to stop the development completely.

Cornell Heights Residents Seek Moratorium on Development in Historic District

Walter Hang addressed the Ithaca City Planning and Economic Development committee at the committee's Wednesday, April 9 meeting.

ITHACA – Cornell Heights Historic District residents continue to voice concern regarding the proposal of three student residential buildings at what will become 7 Ridgewood Road. At the Wednesday, April 9 Planning and Economic Development Committee meeting, community members proposed the concept moratorium as a logical way to “pause” developer CA Venture’s $8 million project that will bring 45 units and 114 beds on top of a 2.43-acre wooded parcel that is currently occupied by an abandoned outdoor pool and poolhouse.

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