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New York Parkinson's Prevention Campaign

Anyone with Parkinson's or who wishes to reduce their risks of contracting the ailment can take these critical steps:
First, Respond to a Free and Confidential Parkinson's Trichloroethylene Exposure Questionnaire

Second, Become a signatory to our NEW: Coalition Letter Request That Governor Hochul Help Prevent Parkinson's disease in New York By Remediating All Trichloroethylene (TCE) Environmental Health Hazards In Strict Compliance With Comprehensive State Cleanup Requirements

Third, Find Out If You Live On Or Near Documented Trichloroethylene Sites That Could Cause Or Contribute To Parkinson's Risk

Fourth, Watch a video about: Home of Woman With Parkinson's in Ithaca, NY Has Trichloroethylene in Indoor Air 6X NYS Guideline

Fifth, Learn About: Trichloroethylene Contamination That Polluted Homes Near the Ithaca Gun Site in Ithaca, NY.

Take Action Today to Prevent Parkinson's by Eliminating TCE Exposures All Over New York State
TCE environmental exposures must be eliminated by requiring New York's legacy of tens of thousands of toxic dumps, chemical spills and pollution discharges to be comprehensively investigated and remediated. Our state requires toxic sites to be restored to "pre-disposal condition, to the extent feasible," but strict enforcement of this requirement is inexcusably lax. New York's "polluter pays" cleanup mandate must be fully enforced.

If you have questions, please call 800 2 TOXICS (800 286 9427).

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What is Parkinson's?
Parkinson's disease, also known simply as Parkinson's, is an incurable ailment that can cause debilitating physical problems, including tremors and loss of motor skills, balance and coordination that can lead to severe movement impairment. Parkinson's can also cause mental health disorders that intensify over time.

Parkinson's is the fastest growing neurodegenerative ailment in America. Nationwide, more than one million Americans are afflicted with Parkinson's. On an annual basis, nearly 90,000 people are diagnosed with the malady. Almost everyone knows someone afflicted with Parkinson's.

Even though billions of dollars have been invested in Parkinson's research, there is no cure for the ailment. That is why it is imperative to help people avoid contracting the disease if at all possible. That is the goal of The New York Parkinson's Prevention Campaign.

Avoid Exposure to Trichloroethylene That Can Reportedly Increase Parkinson's Risk by Up to 500%
Parkinson's was long thought to be idiopathic, or associated with unknown causes, but statistically significant epidemiological health investigations document that a widespread neurotoxic environmental and workplace contaminant called Trichloroethylene (TCE) is causally associated with increasing Parkinson's risk by up to 500%.

Selected Epidemiological and Scientific Articles Regarding Trichloroethylene and Increased Risk of Parkinson's

What is Trichloroethylene?
For more than a century TCE was widely used as a degreasing agent, chemical intermediate, ingredient in hundreds of consumer and industrial products as well as a dry cleaning solvent and spot remover. TCE is nearly ubiquitous in developed communities as an air, land and water pollutant because it resists degradation. TCE has been detected in drinking water all over New York and from coast-to-coast. Millions of New Yorkers were also exposed to TCE in workplace settings before the use of the chemical was prohibited in our state in 2021.

Read more about the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's TCE Industry Classifications...

New York's Growing Parkinson's Crisis
In the last 20 years, Parkinson's took the lives of more than 21,000 New Yorkers. Each year, nearly 2,000 New Yorkers are diagnosed with the ailment. Uncontrolled public exposures to TCE involving millions of New Yorkers very likely play a role in causing or contributing to our state's growing Parkinson's crisis.

New York State Map: Parkinson's disease Mortality Rates 1999-2020

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New York's legacy of TCE hazards is starkly illustrated by the infamous Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, NY. Over the last century, hundreds of industrial, utility and manufacturing sites released TCE and "black mayonnaise" coal tar into the canal. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently removing nearly 600,000 cubic yards of contamination at a cost of $1.5 billion.

TCE sites in this area threaten public health with toxic Soil Vapor Intrusion (SVI) hazards that pollute homes, businesses and other structures.

Hundreds of thousands of residents have been exposed to TCE and other toxic pollutants for decades due to government's failure to safeguard public health. To make matters worse, massive proposed redevelopment of the area will result in even larger numbers of people living on or near TCE sites.

The unfolding toxic health crisis in the beleaguered Gowanus Canal Area is a harbinger of TCE hazards in every major community in New York.

Read More About TCE Contamination At Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal...

Kindra's Experience with Parkinson's and Trichloroethylene Contamination

The Solution

Preventing Parkinson's can be achieved, in part, by eliminating exposures to Trichloroethylene in indoor air, outdoor ambient air, drinking water and all environmental settings.

With that goal in mind and given the inadequacy of the Hochul Administration's efforts to require remediation of Brownfields and other toxic sites before authorizing redevelopments, advocacy efforts are underway to require a moratorium on all State Brownfield approvals until New York's toxic site cleanup requirements are strictly enforced.

Request That New York State Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee Chair Glick Impose a Moratorium on New State Brownfield Approvals Until All Applicable Regulatory Cleanup Requirements are Strictly Enforced

Request That New York State Senate Environmental Conservation Committee Chair Harckham Impose a Moratorium on New State Brownfield Approvals Until All Applicable Regulatory Cleanup Requirements are Strictly Enforced

People who have Parkinson's that might be associated with TCE hazards have legal options as well as opportunities to take advocacy and organizing action to safeguard their health.

For more information, please contact: or call 800 2 TOXICS (800 286 9427).