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Rochester TCE - Kodak Park

Kodak Park - Environmental Investigation Area WIA-KPW - Figure 2

Kodak Park - Distributed Chlorinated VOCs in Overburden Ground Water - Figure 5

Kodak Park - Distributed Chlorinated VOCs in Top-Of-Rock Ground Water - Figure 8

Kodak Park - Distributed Chlorinated VOCs in G-Q Zone Ground Water - Figure 11

Kodak Park - Potential DNAPL Areas - Figure 17

Eastman Kodak Co. - Departments and Activities - Table 1

Kodak Park - Extraction Well Performance - Table 2

Kodak Park - compounds in WIA-KPW Overburden Ground Water in excess - Table 3

Kodak Park - compounds in WIA-KPW Top-Of-Rock Ground Water in excess - Table 4

Kodak Park - compounds in WIA-KPW G-Q Zone Ground Water in excess - Table 5

Kodak Park - compounds in WIA-KPW Queenston Ground Water in excess - Table 6

Kodak Park - VOCs Potentially Present as DNAPL - Table 8

Kodak Park - Unpaved Areas Associated With SWMUs or RR Tracks - Table 13