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Trichloroethylene Reportedly Documented on 5/28/14 by New York State Department of Health at 12 micrograms/m3 in the indoor air of a home in Ithaca, NY

Honorable Kathy Hochul
Governor of New York
The State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224

Re: Trichloroethylene Reportedly Documented on 5/28/14 by New York State Department of Health at 12 micrograms/m3 in the indoor air of xxx xxxxx Street, Ithaca, NY 14850


As you will see from the letter presented here, on May 28, 2014 the State Department of Health (DOH) provided Chlorinated VOCs [Volatile Organic Compounds, not in the original] Analytical Results to an owner of a residential property located at xxx xxxxx Street, Ithaca, NY 14850. DOH stated,

"Based on our review of your results, no actions are needed to address exposures related to soil vapor intrusion at your home (emphasis added)."

Trichloroethylene Reportedly Documented in "Basement" "Indoor Air" at 12 micrograms/m3 or Six-Fold the State DOH TCE Air Guideline

According to the analytical information presented in the letter, a DUP 2 sample of "Basement" "Indoor Air" was determined to be contaminated with Trichloroethylene at 12 micrograms/m3. This level of TCE is more than twice the State Department of Health's five micrograms/m3 TCE air guideline in effect at that time. It is more than six-fold the two micrograms/m3 TCE air guideline adopted circa 2015 that remains the same to this day.

In an apparent tragedy caused by inconceivable government incompetence, the DUP 2 sample documented with Trichloroethylene at 12 micrograms/m3 was erroneously attributed to an H21-SS [SUBSLAB, not in the original] -2014 sample instead of the "Basement" "Indoor Air" Sample clearly identified in the Analytical Findings and a Figure.

This erroneous attribution is documented by Figure 1 that illustrates the 12 micrograms/m3 DUP 2 sample result attributed to "Subslab air" along with an H21-SS [SUBSLAB, not in the original] -2014 sample with the same level of Trichloroethylene.

Please note that the "Lowest Building Level Sketch" references the DUP 2 Sample slightly closer to the unrelated H21-SS [SUBSLAB, not in the original]-2014 sample instead of next to the H21-BA [Basement Air, not in the original] -2014 sample that it is a duplicate of.

Resident of xxx xxxxx Street Has Been Diagnosed With Parkinson's disease

The recipient of the DOH letter is an owner and resident of xxx xxxxx Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 since 2008. She was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2016.

Since Trichloroethylene has been determined to be causally associated with Parkinson's according to epidemiological investigations that reach a statistically significant finding, it is imperative that she and her family be comprehensively safeguarded from further exposure to Trichloroethylene and all other toxic chemicals that could cause or exacerbate Parkinson's or other health ailments.

See: Trichloroethylene/Parkinson's Information

Please note that this home is located on top of a documented groundwater and soil vapor contamination plume reportedly associated with the former Ithaca Gun facility that has never been comprehensively remediated in strict compliance with the State Mandate to restore toxic sites to "Pre-Disposal conditions, to the extent feasible."

See: NYSDOH Letter Regarding Significant Threat Determination Former Ithaca Gun Factory

Since the Ithaca Gun site has been voluntarily included in both the Brownfield Environmental Restoration Program and the Brownfield Cleanup Program, it is my understanding that New York State is responsible for investigating and remediating all off-site contamination hazards. I request that the site's extensive groundwater and soil vapor contamination be comprehensively remediated without further delay. I request that New York pursue all Potential Responsible parties to reimburse the State for its cleanup costs.


I believe New York State bears full responsibility for incorrectly advising the owners and occupants of the above-referenced contaminated property that "no actions are needed" regarding the Trichloroethylene reportedly documented in their basement indoor air by DOH. This family has resided for more than a decade in a home reportedly documented circa 2014 to be contaminated with Trichloroethylene at six-fold the DOH air guideline of two micrograms/m3.

This is a tragedy of stunning proportions. I request that the home reportedly contaminated with Trichloroethylene and other toxic contaminants be provided at no cost to the property owners with a new poured concrete foundation slab installed over a soil vapor barrier combined with a Soil Vapor Intrusion (SVI) mitigation system to keep the indoor air of the home 100% free of TCE and all other toxic chemicals associated with SVI at the property. At a minimum, this system must utilize a sub-slab depressurization or a positive pressure system or both per DOH SVI guidance for Matrix A and B.

I also request that you investigate all of the properties within at least 1,000 feet of the Ithaca Gun site for SVI, mitigate all properties with SVI contamination and remediate Ithaca Gun and Ithaca Falls in strict compliance with this respectful: Coalition Letter Request That Governor Hochul Help Prevent Parkinson's disease in New York By Remediating All Trichloroethylene (TCE) Environmental Health Hazards In Strict Compliance With Comprehensive State Cleanup Requirements

I trust that you will find my request self-explanatory. Finally, I request a personal meeting at your earliest convenience to discuss how you can help prevent Parkinson's by eliminating inadequately remediated TCE hazards all over New York State.

Thank you for your consideration.

Very truly yours,

Walter Hang

Reportedly Critical Basement Indoor Air Trichloroethylene result of 12 micrograms/cubic meter

NYSDOH Letter Regarding Significant Threat Determination Former Ithaca Gun Factory