Anyone with Parkinson's can take these critical steps:
First, Respond to a Free and Confidential Parkinson's Trichloroethylene Exposure Questionnaire
Second, Become a signatory to our NEW: Coalition Letter Request That Governor Hochul Help Prevent Parkinson's disease in New York By Remediating All Trichloroethylene (TCE) Environmental Health Hazards In Strict Compliance With Comprehensive State Cleanup Requirements
Third, Find Out If You Live On Or Near Documented Trichloroethylene Sites That Could Cause Or Contribute To Parkinson's Risk
Fourth, Watch a video about: Kindra's Experience with Parkinson's and Trichloroethylene Contamination
Take Urgent Advocacy Action Today
Call and Keep Calling Governor Hochul at 518 474 8390.
Try to speak to a live operator. If you cannot get through, leave a message. Please use this exact language word for word:
"I was diagnosed with Parkinson's on _____."
"I demand that Governor Hochul immediately comprehensively remediate and restore all Trichloroethylene toxic sites to "Pre-disposal conditions, to the extent feasible..." as mandated by State law. I am especially concerned about the ____ dump that threatens my health."
Request that the Governor fulfill our Coalition Letter Request That Governor Hochul Help Prevent Parkinson's disease in New York By Remediating All Trichloroethylene (TCE) Environmental Health Hazards In Strict Compliance With Comprehensive State Cleanup Requirements
Fifth, Learn About: Trichloroethylene Contamination That Polluted Homes Near the Ithaca Gun Site in Ithaca, NY.
Sixth, Learn About: Trichloroethylene Contamination On and Around a Former IBM Factory in Endicott, NY That Threatens More Than 500 Homes and Buildings With Soil Vapor Intrusion over a 250-Acre Area.
Seventh, Learn About: Massive Trichloroethylene Contamination in Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal Community Illustrates How New Yorkers Are Unknowingly Exposed to Environmental Health Hazards
Eighth, Write to Governor Hochul: Personalized Request for Soil Vapor Intrusion Testing Of My Home And Comprehensive Cleanup Of Toxic Sites That Threaten My Health and Well-Being